I don't have enough time to write about all the exam's but I can write in bullet form. So here it is:
- Islam Paper: It was ok but first paper was difficult than the second paper. This time I wont get three marks by writing "Kahfaaraa" as a answer like in the unit test because there are no repeated question's.
- Dhivehi Paper: Funniest paper ever. It was all about " Ai Theyri Masaikai" I never knew what was it about. Some were laughing as soon as they saw it because they took the wrong meaning. Anyways paper was ok.
- Economics: Seriously Economic & Adam Smith sucks big time! Why the hell is real income and disposal income not the same. Law is much easier than you </3
- Law: Well done this paper was fantastic I was all around the class. Copying is sharing & caring.
- Accounting: Accounting was no fun at all. I cant even balance my life how the hell can I balance a Balance Sheet. But Shilpooh Rules.
- Business: This paper is much cooler and it's cooler than my business teacher's tummy. But I did some simple annoying mistakes.
- English: I'm getting ready for December.
~Badi Aanke's Birthday Month
~Laugling Gang Trouble
~Now Now Honey Bunny Where Are You? LOL
~It's Always About Heesla Thankolhu <3 Draw Me A Heart Eva Angelina.
~Answer's For All The Question's Are "Because I'm Adorable"
~Answer's For All The Question's Are "Because I'm Adorable"