Hey blog today something really funny happened in school. Here is the story. On Valentine's day (Day before yesterday) I was sitting near Sidey in account class. Usually I never take past paper book to school with me so we both was sharing his Pastpaper. I got bored and i started writing stuffs on his past paper as it was valentine's day i wrote "eelzaj <3 suhoo". He asked me & Suddi whats the meaning of eelzaj we told it's "Fuck" in spanish. He laughed , raised his arm and danced a stupid way while sitting and shouted at Suddi "eelzaj off". He was repeating that word all the time that day. Actually Eelzaj is a name of a girl written in Upsidedown. It's "Jazlee" We used to bully Sidey by telling she is his girlfriend. Today Sidey was sitting with Laburey & he figured it out and he told Sidey about it. He was kind a mad at me but he was laughing too.
~My Account teacher shouted at me, Plus saliva was raining from his mouth :-P~